With the help of props and their environment, our Western spokesman and his trusty sidekick oozed knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm. They became eccentric voices of authority, rattling off fun facts, tips and techniques that left no doubt as to why Western is the pest control name you can trust.
Western Pest Services —
Western Knows Pest
To highlight the knowledge and expertise that Western Pest Services offers, we centered our campaign in a fictional training room at Western headquarters, and cast a friendly spokesman along with a trusted entomologist to really bring our communications to life.
Brand Campaign
Positioning, Strategy, Style Guide, Broadcast, CTV, Display, Social Content, Landing Pages
The People
Our single day shoot was incredibly efficient, allowing us to capture enough content for a :30 second hero brand spot and six (6) pest-specific :15 second videos, along with a library of static assets to create complementary digital and social ads throughout the year.
The Results
The “Pests are smart, Western’s smarter” campaign generated impressive feedback and results from the moment it launched, leading to a healthy increase in landing page visits and conversions. Crucially, over 91% of qualified leads were generated by our conversion campaigns, leading to a record-breaking 10% increase in closed sales at the end of Q2. The end result was a big win for Western and homeowners at the expense of pests everywhere.